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Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Love, Death, and Money

I started reading this book, which doesn't sound like much, but I hate reading and so it's a big deal for me. If they could only have made my college texts into movies I would have been an A student. Eat The Rich by PJ O'Rourke, given to me to by my new brother in law before they left on their honeymoon. In the first 3 pages it makes a very profound point I want to share part of it because it is what I have had rolling in the back of my mind, but couldn't put to words. I see this in my office almost weekly from people who are failing financially, and in the rest of the world daily.

"Love, death, and money - these are the three main human concerns. We're all keen students of love. We are fascinated by every aspect of the matter, in theory and in practice - from precise biological observations of thrusting this and gaping that to ethereal sentimentalities marketed in miles of aisles at Hallmark stores. No variety of love too trivial for exegesis. No aspect of love is so ridiculous that it hasn't been exhaustively reviewed by the great thinkers, the great artists and the great hosts of daytime talk shows.
As for death, such is the public apetite for investigation of the subject that the highest-rated television program in America is about an emergenty room. [obviously this book is a little dated - but CSI still about death, still #1] The most hardheaded and unspeculative of persons has his notions of eschatology. The dullest mind can reason extensively about what causes kicking the bucket. Dying sparks our intellecutal curiosity.
But money does not. All we care about is the thing itelf, preferably in large amounts. We care a very great deal about that. But here our brain work stops. We don't seem to mind where our money comes from. And, in an affluent society, we don't even seem to mind where our money goes. As for larger questions about money, we shrug our shoulders and say, 'I wish I had more.'"