Continually Re-Casting the Vision

"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it."
If you went to church with me back in Tulsa you heard this at least twice a month. If not, you can read it here. This past weekend I went back to Lincoln, Nebraska for my fraternity, Omega Alpha Chi's annual alumni weekend. I was involved in starting a fraternity from scratch back in 1995 with the purpose of providing a solid Christian environment for college men who didn't want the pressures of living a stereotyped lifestyle of a frat guy, but still wanted the brotherhood that sort of organization provides.
This is always a time of vision as well as reminiscing. Lots of stories were told about the good ol' days. The older alumni shared with the younger members what it was like in the beginning. But the biggest thing that happens is that the alumni, who are busy with every day life, have a chance to "read" the vision again as we run by. This weekend is important because is always provides a great opportunity to re-cast and refresh the vision.
Vision is a big part of business and life. If you want something done that takes more than just your efforts alone you have to cast the vision. With all of today's seminars, books and magazines on leadership and sales and everything else under the sun, people have become fairly good at this. However, once your vision has people buying in to it, you have to continually re cast the vision or it will die. I think this is where many people struggle.
Written today that quote might read, "tattoo the vision on your forehead so everyone who sees you knows what you stand for" or in a less "Miami Ink" method, "put your vision on a bill board, bumper sticker or sticky note, or whatever, but keep it in front of their eyes"
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