Books and Life Podcast
Here it is - I've done it! An official podcast. No more stupid Audio Blogger for me.
One disclaimer before you listen: I think I must have had 2 or 3 Valium before I recorded this. Next time - more caffeine I promise.

I've included a "Link-a-long" section so you can link-a-long while you listen.
Pour Your Heart Into It
Velvet Elvis
Provocative Faith
Persuing Your Life Dream
If you like the music, you can download it here - Silhouettes of Rain
If you don't like it, then click here
Special thanks to my brother in law, Brian Egge who gave me the technical assistance and is providing the storage space to pull this off. Normally I'd crack some joke about him being a hard core computer programing geek, but he married my little sister Elizabeth, so he doesn't need any more of a hard time.
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