Thank You For Grinning and Barretting It

Sorry for the length between posts. No excuses, but I'll give a few anyway.
- My vacation sneeked up on me and I didn't have time to leave a "I'll be gone for a few days" post.
- My wife and I were having such a good time celebrating our birthdays (mine is Nov. 11, hers is Nov. 19) that I didn't have time to post anything.
- The hotel we stayed at in Las Vegas wanted to charge us $11.95 a day to use the internet and I'm too cheap to pay that.
- I was so depressed that no one (except the people we originally scheduled the trip with) was willing to join us in Las Vegas to celebrate that I lost motivation to write anything.
I'll be back up and writing this week about a variety of things like:
- A review of my new Cingular 8125
- My inability to win at anything in Vegas
- Keeping your clients from feeling like a number
So tell your friends to come back and grin with me!
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