So Much Going On
There is so much going on in the world that I have to give abbreviated headlines to get it all in.
First, Frank Zamboni (1901-1988) of "I want to drive the Zamboni" (click to hear the best song ever) was honored at the Figure Skating Hall of Fame. (article) here in Colorado Springs.

Second, Deann and I fly out to Iowa where my youngest son has been spending the last few days with my parents. He turns 4 tomorrow. Happy Birthday Tyler!

Third, my oldest son left Wednesday on an airplane all by him self to spend a few days in New York / New Jersey with my sister and brother-in-law. He flies into Iowa and joins us for birthday celebrations. Here he is at Freds, a resturaunt where you bring a picture of your dog and they hang it on the wall for you. Jacob and my sister, Elizabeth hung a picture of our family dog Baxter on the wall with the others.

Fourth, without the kids for the last three days, what is a couple supposed to do? Well last night we went to watch the sweet sixteen and eat wings at Buffalo Wild Wings with Deann's brother and sister-in-law.
If you can't tell by Mark's face, I caution you against anything hotter than Sizzlin'. Mark had Hot BBQ and I had Mango Habanero. Burned last night... burned this morning.
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