4170 Words
If a picture is worth a thousand words, here is four thousand one hundred and seventy of them.

Took this right after I made sure my dad was on the mailing list. They said practically everyone in the world is in our database. I actually found out the office joke is if they really wanted to find Osama Bin Laden, they'd just ask AARP. He's in their database somewhere... and approaching 50 I hear!

Dinner Monday night at Smith and Wolowsky - great salad, great filet, good cheesecake, but should have had the chocolate cake. Layers of cake and creamy moose / frosting stuff. It filled an entire salad plate.

The cigar store indian located outside the cigar bar we went to after dinner. After my diet coke with a lime (I'm a hard core drinker) I smell like smoke. The conversation was great and honestly, more work connections are made after hours.

The HUMONGOUS bathroom in my hotel room. For $183 a night, you would have thought you could have actually opened the door all the way instead of having it hit the edge of the toilet. Maybe not.
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