Weekly Poll Results
Another week, another poll.
Thanks to all who participated.
The question last week was:
What is your opinion of the current heat wave?
38% I like it, I love it, I want some more of it
38% I just stay inside all day
13% Some like it hot... I'm not one of them
13% I'd rather spend eternity in the lake of fire than have to endure one more day of this.
Well that kind of sums it up then. The heat didn't affect to many of you adversely, but a few aren't too fond of it.
One concern I have about this is the comment left which read "-Jul 26, 2005-We found out that there are a lot of potenital nudists in your readership. I hope this poll doesn't bring out the Satanists (option #4 -- sell your soul to Satan for a breeze?)"
Okay, I get the sell your soul to Satan for a breeze, but who are the potential nudists? And how did this person infer that from this data? Hmmm? A question for Dr. Olson, my research methods professor I think. Fortuantely for you I won't bore you to death with his rhetoric on the subject.
The statement did bring about curisoty in me. Check out this weeks poll.
Remember it is anonymous - so are the comments.
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